Looking forward to right now… NaBloPoMo Day 9

Opening Night! Very excited to get this show before and audience and for people to see the story we’re telling onstage. There are some truly stunning moments.

Sleep – I feel like I need to sleep for a week to recover from tech.

A weeknight at home. I’ll have one night at home this week. I’m looking forward to cooking a proper dinner and just hanging out with the kids and being in my pjs by 8pm. (The Husband has a well deserved evening off with a friend.) I’m not looking forward to the possibility of dealing with tantrums and being yelled at over screentime. I guess there are pluses and minuses about an evening at home with kids.

Parent teacher conferences this week. I know they are kind of a drive by affair, but I’m looking forward to getting a glimpse of what’s going on in school with my kids.

A walk with a friend. I have a friend who works by the theatre and I haven’t seen her in a few months. Usually we see each other once a month, but between my work and her travel it’s been a while.

Longwood Gardens – I have one Sunday off in December and we’ve booked tickets to Longwood Gardens to see the Christmas displays. I’m not quite registering that Christmas is so close, though.

A designer I like working with coming back in the Spring – This is more long term, but I just learned that a designer I really love working with will be working on my show in the Spring. Impermanence is a part of theatre. Shows open and shows close; people come in and we work together for a very short time and then we move on. But often, very often, our paths cross again, and there is a sense of familiarity and joy to reuniting with colleagues.

Reading more of this book – The chapters are short but full of adventures, which makes it perfect for me right now. And it’s making me long to escape to the woods.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m writing this post as part of NaBloPoMo – click on the icon below to see who else if participating. You can also leave me questions for an upcoming “Ask me Anything” post via this link. Happy reading and writing everyone!

5 thoughts on “Looking forward to right now… NaBloPoMo Day 9”

  1. That book looks interesting, although I have to admit, the cover kind of throws me off. I am not sure that I like it! Have you read Mud, Rocks and Blazes? It is about a woman who ended up setting the FKT on the Appalachian trail at the time and it was interesting to see what she had to do to accomplish that! Going to put some questions in the AMA now!

  2. If you want a deep woods story, I recommend “A Stranger in the Woods” by Michael Finkel, about the true hermit who lived in Maine wilderness for 20 some years. Yep. Fascinating.
    Looking forward to regaining some of my focus. I’ve been all over the place, partially because of my cold and my voice just missing. I sound like an amoeba. 🤣

  3. Opening night! Good luck! How lovely to catch up with a friend, and I’ve probably mentioned it here before, but I love Longwood Gardens. So beautiful!

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