Thoughts on getting more sleep

Last week was not a good week for going to bed on time. With my cousin visiting, everyone stayed up much later than usual, and when the kids are up until 9:30p/10p, I tend to push my own bedtime later. Not that they are really to blame; even when they do go to bed on time, I am plenty capable of staying up super late on my own.

I really want to get on a good sleep schedule for when I start rehearsals, but this past week there were a few nights when I was up until 2am. And in my head, I think “Well, 2am to 7am is five hours of sleep, I think that should be enough.” Then inevitably, the next night I fall asleep next to the kids while putting them to bed and leave the kitchen in a disastrous state, which always makes the next morning difficult. I know all the research says that poor sleep literally takes years off your life, so I really want to be more disciplined about this. Plus I’m getting too old to be unaffected by continuous nights of staying up til 2am, despite doing it plenty in college. Some things I’ve been doing that seem to be putting me in the right direction:

Brushing my teeth when the kids do in the evening. A lot of times, I think “I can’t go to sleep until I brush my teeth!” so I stay up because the later it gets the more insurmountable a task teeth brushing seems. So I’ve started brushing my teeth when the kids do. I think it’s actually better for me because a) they brush their teeth to the Chompers podcast, so I know I’m spending enough time on each tooth, and b) it keeps me from snacking late at night. The biggest benefit, though, is that brushing my teeth with the kids removes one hurdle before bedtime.
When I do finally make it into bed, I always take a minute to take a deep breath and fully savor my bed – the crisp cool sheets, the soap smelling hug of the duvet wrapped around me, the soft/firm feel of my memory foam pillow as it curves around my head. Some nights, I even say out loud (but softly because the Husband is usually asleep), “Ahhhhh Bed, bed, bed!” I think acknowledging what a wonderful place bed is helps make it a place I want to be.
Just going straight to bed when I come home from a late evening at work. I used to think that when I got home at 11pm or midnight, I needed time to have a snack and unwind, but then I would just stay up even longer. So now I try to come home, hang up my coat, put away my lunch box, kiss the children goodnight and then get into pjs, brush my teeth and straight to bed. I try not to even get my phone out of my purse to charge because I don’t want to get side-tracked.

Things I should be better about to develop good sleep habits:
On nights when I don’t have to work late, having a nightly routine and sticking to a time to start that and mindfully going to bed afterwards. In my ideal world, the hour before bed would be: 20 mins yoga, 20 minutes journaling, and 20 minutes reading. And this routine would start around 10:30pm. I think an offline bedtime routine would be good too. That would mean, though that the yoga and the reading would have to be done offline – currently I do a yoga podcast and read on my phone or iPad, so I would have to find alternatives. Then immediately to bed, is a big thing.
Avoiding revenge bedtime procrastination. I ought to minimize screens in my pre-bed routine because scroll-creep is a big struggle for me. A lot of the time when I stay up, I’m on a device reading or scrolling. Once in a while I’m writing here. Carolyn Hax’s back catalogue of advice columns is a huge time suck for me, though I really like her advice, so I don’t think it’s an empty time suck, necessarily. Other internet rabbit holes. Even without social media, I often find myself clicking link after link while reading about something. I’ve also had nights when I’ve inexplicably spent hours re-organizing my Libby holds list and fall asleep on the couch. I just need to find tactics to take the things that I stay up late to do and make them into daytime activities. Maybe it will help to write down a list of things to google the next day when the late night urge strikes to go down internet rabbit holes. Also dedicating other time to write and so that I’m not writing late at night would help me feel like I have time to do it.
Showering at night. Like tooth brushing, this is one of those tasks that seems more and more insurmountable the later it gets, but which I also really want to do before I get in bed some nights. There was a time when I could tell the baby that I needed to go take a shower so I couldn’t lie next to her until she fell asleep, and it was the only excuse she would accept. So maybe I should again link this to doing it directly after I put the kids in bed. (I’ve been reading B.J. Fogg’s Tiny Habits, and he talks a lot about linking aspirational habits to everyday trigger events, which is a tactic I think might be really good for me.)
Getting into my pjs earlier. When it gets too late I just roll into bed in whatever I’m wearing, which isn’t the best, though I can’t really articulate why – I mean at the very least, I make the kids put on pjs, so I should walk the walk. Maybe the pjs should go on when I brush my teeth? I think the bigger idea is that I should frontload the pre-bed maintenance things so that they aren’t a barrier to getting into bed.
Keeping tv time to just one episode or one hour.

I would like to have the following evening routine:

5:30p/6:00p – Dinner
6:15p – Clean Up. (It really helps if this gets done before dinner so that I don’t have to do it after the kids are in bed.)
7:00p – Time with kids. Game night, walk, Golden Girls.
7:45p – Start the kids to bed. I get into my pjs and brush teeth with them.
8:45p – little kids asleep. I take a shower if I need to
9:00p – Big kid in bed. TV time with Husband. (fit in the yoga/ exercise here if I want to do a longer routine.)
10:00p – work on my own project (writing, tidying something.) Think about the next day, prep things if I need to.
10:30p – Start bedtime routine – yoga, journal, read. STAY OFF SCREENS!!!!
11:30p – into bed!