Thanksgiving meal prep and Thankful for…- NaBloPoMo #19

I thought I’d keep Thanksgiving dinner simple this year since it’s just us, but even still there are several dishes with multiple steps and degrees of prep so it still feels like a project meal. Last night I made the pie filling for the pecan pie, made the pie dough, turned the turkey in the brine, roasted the turkey bones for gravy, and made the cranberry sauce.

Today I had to go to rehearsal from 10am – 2pm. Right now I’m triaging the rainbow Jell-O situation, I shaped the rolls and they are doing a slow rise in the fridge, and I’m making turkey stock (step two in gravy). We’re going to go see Wicked this evening, and hopefully I’ll make the two pies tonight. It seems like a lot when I write it out, but I like project recipes that I can break down into steps where I do one step every so often – it makes thing seem more doable.

Because it’s Thanksgiving week, I thought I’d give a big shout out to one of the biggest things I’m grateful for – the Husband.

Reasons that I’m thankful for the Husband:

  • He’s always thinking of how to make things better.
  • He always finds time to cuddle with the kids and listen to them when they are sad.
  • He buys me wasabi peas and dill pickle chips.
  • He is really nice to my parents, even when they make life complicated.
  • He talks to contractors.
  • He handles buying the technology items for the family.
  • He grows beautiful plants in our garden.
  • He returns my library books for me.
  • He puts up with my crazy opera/work schedule.
  • He is the lead parent when I’m on that crazy opera/work schedule.
  • He takes time off work to take care of things when I can’t.
  • He does the laundry 97% of the time.
  • He thinks about logistics and the reality of a situation when I am being impractical.
  • He is not squeamish about buying period products.
  • He is a great father and goes to all the parent teacher conferences that he can.
  • He tucks the covers back around me when he gets up in the morning before me.

There’s lists and lists more that I could say on the topic, of course, but that’s a start.

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends. Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, here’s wishing you many things to be thankful for.

Who are you grateful for?

I’m writing this post as part of NaBloPoMo – click on the icon below to see who else if participating. You can also leave me questions for an upcoming “Ask me Anything” post via this link. Happy reading and writing everyone!

8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving meal prep and Thankful for…- NaBloPoMo #19”

  1. This is such a lovely list and sentiment. When I was reading your list I was reflecting on my own husband and how he is such a great man. You and I are fortunate in terms of our partners and it’s important to remember that. I can’t imagine living in an abusive (mentally or physically) relationship, having major co-parenting struggles, or having someone who didn’t champion and support me.
    I’m so grateful you have such a wonderful partner in life…and thanks for reminding me how fortunate I am to be able to say the same <3
    (The tucking the covers bit was my favourite; my husband will warm up Magic Bags for my feet without me asking when I'm cold and it makes me feel SO LOVED.)

  2. Dill pickle chips! Yaasssss. Since you grew up in Canada, I need to know your opinion of ketchup chips. To me they are perfection. When I was growing up, Old Dutch Ketchup were my favourite chip (still are, they have a special place in my heart), and you couldn’t get Old Dutch outside of Western Canada. I think you can now but anyway there are SO many other brands. I haven’t eaten them in forever, but wow do I love them. I wish I had red stains on my fingers and lips right this second.

    1. I LOVE ketchup chips!!!! They are the best and I’m sad i can’t get them here.
      I feel like I’ve seen Old Dutch once, but I can’t remember where. I think it was at a random rest stop somewhere.

  3. Oh how sweet your wrote this list about/for your husband. That’s the spirit of Thanksgiving. I hope it was a lovely day for you and your family.

  4. I love this so much! What a great co-parent you have in your husband. I think that can be rare (though it shouldn’t be!). I love that he’s making these wonderful memories with his kids, too. As someone estranged from my father, it makes me very happy that your kids will have someone to look up to!

    1. I’m sorry that you are estranged from your father! I do think both my kids and I are really lucky that my Husband is so involved!

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