Weekly recap + what we ate: Snack conundrum, February aspirations, and listening to

This week – work, family, federal chaos. I don’t know if I have the bandwidth to unpack all of that. Or even if I should/want to/etc.

So here are some less consequential things on my mind lately….

The snack situation at our house is pissing me off. It seems like the kids are constantly snacking. Okay, I’m going to be honest – what pisses me off the most is that they are taking my snacks. Specifically my peanut M&Ms. One of my snacks of choice to pack for work is a trail mix of pretzels, peanut M&Ms, and dried cherries. I bought a big bag of M&Ms to do this. (Rather, the Husband bought me a bag when he was at the grocery store.) The kids found it and the bag was nearly gone within the week. Ooooh the rage I felt. Anyhow – my options as I see it are:
1)stop buying Peanut M&Ms. This would make me sad.
2) Hide the peanut M&Ms better. But where? The kids are very persistent.
3) Give them better alternatives. Would this work? Would they eat the bowl of carrots I put out for them? Really they just want M&Ms.
4) have a no snacking rule. HAHAHAHAHA. Nope.
5) get over myself and let them eat the peanut M&Ms.

I realize this is completely irrational. Peanut M&Ms aren’t like beer – it’s not something I can pass off as a “Mommy snack.” I’m trying to think of why my kids can’t have Peanut M&Ms whenever they want in a way that doesn’t make me feel petty. (ie. they can’t have peanut M&Ms because the M&M are MINE!!!!!) Sigh. It’s really hard to be the bigger person in this parenting thing.

So anyhow I’m trying to think of better snacks.

Listening to lately – Despite my musing in my 2024 media diet post about my lack of music listening, I’ve been trying to rectify it somewhat. Some things I’m listening to:
All Songs Considered. I am so not hip, but I like this podcast because they play music I’ve never heard of (honestly that’s not that difficult. My musical rolodex is quite limited) by artists I’ve never heard of (but probably should know about), and they tell you why they like the pieces.

-Our Tainan playlist. On the bus in Taiwan, I made a playlist by asking everyone in the family (my parents, my brother’s family’ the Husband and kids) to choose one song to add to the list. It’s a little all over the place, but I love listening it because it reminds me of my family:

-Okay you know what is unassumingly charming music? The soundtrack to Bluey. There is even a poppy version of Pachelbel’s Canon that doesn’t drive me batty. I’ve been playing this album when I want something cheerful in the background. The music embodies the happiness I want my kids to remember when they are grown,.

(Note – Pachelbel’s Canon is one of those pieces of music that makes me roll my eyes. Funny story – It was the one piece of music that I was adament would not be played at my wedding. The organist suggested it and was shut down rather quickly. But then, my parents arranged a wedding banquet in Taiwan for all their relatives. And what did the DJ play when the Husband and I entered? Pachelbel’s Canon. What could the Husband and I do but laugh?)

Some light aspirations for February:

-Register the 5 year old for kindergarten. This is one of two big “To Do” of February. She is for sure going to Kindergarten this fall. No one is stopping her.

– Start organizing forms for our tax person. This is the other big “To Do” for us. I start back at rehearsal at the end of March, so I need this done before then. Also our tax guy wants tax documents submitted two weeks before

-Schedule an appointment for window treatments. Now that I’ve donated the 20 year old car, this is the looming-perpetually-put-off item at the top of my to do list.

-Schedule an eye appointment. The situation is sad, friends. I haven’t had my eyes checked in four or five years and things just don’t look crisp anymore. I really need to fix this before I have to spend more time standing in the dark backstage trying to read music by the light of a tiny book light.

-Paint and send some cards.

-Work – clean out the office, organize the laptop situation, order spike tape. I have two supertitle gigs, so I want to make sure I get ahead of that work and not leave it to the last minute.

-home – 30 day declutter challenge. I found a Thirty Day Declutter Challenge online. I like that it’s in ten minute increments.

-write Taiwan/Kuala Lumpur trip recaps.

-Schedule time to see friends.

-Family game night.

-Make it to one of the 13 year old’s middle school basketball games.

-Valentine’s Day. Help the kids write their cards.

-Routine and Habit goals:
* yoga daily
* journal/ track habits daily
*1 vegan dinner a week. Trying to eat more vegetables.
*Go to bed before midnight.
*Read every day.

Grateful For – It’s been so uplifting to read read everyone’s FIGs via Elisabeth’s gratitude challenge. Here are some of my FIGS for the past week:
– The Husband showing me a beautiful sunset. He was on his way out the door to pick up one of the kids and he came back, saying, “Look at this sunset!” It was stunning, all orange-y pink incandescence.

-Hoodies with zippered pockets. Good for when I just stuff my keys in my pocket.

-Our gas grill and the tenant who left it for us. I was a charcoal grill person for the longest time, but then our tenant left behind a gas grill when she moved out. It’s not the same flavor, but it sure as hell is faster.

-Wifi at kids’ activities. Lets me get work done. Or blogging. Like right now at the Agility Center.

-Fresh baked muffins. And a batter that is sturdy enough to sit in the fridge for a few days so that I can make more on a whim.

-A commute home when I hit all the green lights. Makes me feel unstoppable.

-Parks and playgrounds nearby. I feel so lucky that we live somewhere that there’s usually a park or playground within a 10-15 minute radius of wherever we are, so if we have some awkward time to kill between activities, we can find a playground.

-Movie night and cuddles from the kids on the couch.

-The cherry tree in the living room isn’t dead after all. The Husband on a whim bought a cherry tree last year. It’s been living in our living room and for a while it was just sad and bare. But slowly, so slowly that I hadn’t even noticed, there has been green emerging from the brown branches. And this week, there was even a blossom.

Looking Forward To:
– Contra Dancing! There is a Thursday night contra dance this week near us. Looking forward to going with the family.

-Vanilla. So we ran out of vanilla this week. Or rather we ran out of vanilla at some point before this week and no one clocked it to put it on the grocery list before I wanted to make a big batch of muffins. I had some vanilla beans that my mother in law had bought me for Christmas one year. (Note, my mother in law passed away in 2016, so these have been in the pantry for a looooong time.) I’d been too intimidated to use the vanilla bean, but desparate times….

I scraped a vanilla pod into the muffins. then I read that you could make your own vanilla extract by sticking a vanilla pod in vodka and leaving it for six months. Well…. Last show, a singer had given me a tiny bottle of vodka for opening night. Alcohol is a common opening night present, but I don’t drink, so it’s often a conundrum of what to do with it. Well, this was perfect. I stuck a vanilla bean in that tiny bottle of vodka. And now I wait. For six months. I’m so excited. I also hope I remember it’s there in August.

Open in six months. I guess I have to remember where I put it in six months.

-Another snow day. Looking forward to hunkering, maybe baking. I have some meetings that I’ll take from home. Shhhhh… don’t tell the kids, but there might be movie marathon at some point so I can read. See next point.

-Reading this book:

This book was all the rage last year. It finally came off my holds as a seven day loan, so I’m madly trying to read it this week because if I don’t finish it, the waitlist for this book is like 2000 people long. It’s proving funny and sharp. Also makes me wonder if my wardrobe is boring and normal.

What We Ate:
Monday: Greek Salad and Zucchini Fritters. Vegan. (I used a flax egg for the fitters.)

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday. We had a friend over this time. I made grilled chicken, black beans, shrimp, mango-cabbage slaw. We had also pickled onions, guac, sour cream, avocados. Corn tortillas and wheat tortillas.

Wednesday: Random dinner – I used up the rest of the sunchokes by making another batch of sunchoke chips, and also steamed green beans. The Husband was out running and errand and came home with kung pao chicken and garlic pork.

Thursday: Waffles and tofu scramble (The Husband Cooked). This was our attempt at breakfast for dinner in an age of $10 eggs.

Friday: Pizza (The Husband made it) and Avengers: Civil War. A very unsatisfying movie.

Saturday: DogFish Head Brewery for the Husband’s birthday

Super Bowl Sunday: We had several friends over and there was so. much. food: we made cheeseteaks, dumplings, and snickerdoodles. Our friends brought: smoked turkey, chicken wings, white bean buffalo dip, brownies. There was also a lot of chips, Doritos (Cool Ranch and Regular), and cucumbers and carrots. Also, these Pringles:

I am pretty notorious in my circles for eating anything, but these were… not good. They were meaty with a green pepper aftertaste that tasted both surprisingly accurate and completely artificial.

Hope you have a lovely week!

What are you currently snacking on? What’s one song you would add to my playlist? Any big to do list items for February?

17 thoughts on “Weekly recap + what we ate: Snack conundrum, February aspirations, and listening to”

  1. I think it’s a law that Pachelbel’s Canon must be played at every wedding. Otherwise they don’t let you get married.
    I have a solution: two bags of peanut M&M’s, one labelled for Mom and one labeled Everyone Else. Win win! That way the kids can eat theirs and if anyone eats Mom’s, then there will be hell to pay!

  2. I didn’t have Pachbel’s Canon at my wedding!

    A friend of mine has told me numerous times how her mother has only ever made her own vanilla with that method. I’ve never tried it, but it sounds like it’s superior to anything you can buy domestically (which makes sense!).

    Love all your FIGs. And look at the cherry tree blossom! How cool is that?!

    1. We were so worried that the tree had died because it was pretty sad looking to begin with, so seeing that one little blossom was pretty cool.

  3. I make vanilla like that every time. Vodka and vanilla beans. Done. It’s gluten free and I don’t have to worry about it. Bonus: If you forget about the vanilla and find it in like five years, it will be even better then!

  4. i’m intrigued by this vanilla- I mean I’ve heard of doing this but never done it myself. Now Engie says she does it all the time- it must work well! I want to try it- vanilla extract is expensive.
    Ha, you’ll have to give us an update on the peanut M&Ms conundrum. And I don’t think putting out a bowl of carrots for the kids to eat instead will work.
    That sunrise is AMAZING! I can see why your husband called you to look at it.

    1. So are vanilla beans, to be honest. I’m not sure it saves money, actually. It just ensures that I’m getting a gluten-free product, which is important to me.

    2. Well I’m glad vanilla and vodka worked for Engie! Sometimes you never know about ideas you find on the internet.

  5. I made my own vanilla once for Christmas gifts, I’m not sure I like it that much. But since you don’t drink, it sounds like a perfect way to use your vanilla beans and vodka!

    Your sunrise photo is stunning, I’m glad you saw it!

    I LOL’d at the M&M situation.

    I’m pretty sure we didn’t have Pachelbel’s Canon at our wedding, but we requested that Achy Breaky Heart NOT be played, and yeah, it was, and everyone got up and danced like crazy, so whatever.

    1. It’s so funny how these things that are important when planning a wedding becomes a funny story later!

  6. Can you just leave a bag of M&Ms at work and not have any at home? Like Jenny said, I don’t think kids will choose carrots over M&Ms haha. I mean, I’m an adult and *I* would choose the M&Ms every time.

    This reminds me that I need to do my taxes. They aren’t complicated, but I just don’t ever get money back these days (thankfully, I haven’t owed yet, but I’m always nervous about that!) and it feels so annoying to do the work for no benefit, ha.

    1. Leaving a bag at work would be a good idea, though I’m not in the office this month. When I used to live with six roommates, I would keep all my sandwich fixings in the work fridge because there wasn’t room in our fridge at the house for everyone’s food.
      Good luck with taxes!

  7. Oh I’m sorry, you can ABSOLUTELY call Peanut M&Ms a Mommy snack – I like the buying one bag for you and one for them and they can decide how fast they want to demolish theirs. I have a friend with three kids and she has to buy them each their own carton of eggnog at Christmas, otherwise the competitive eggnog guzzling is horrific.
    That is an amazing sunset! I remember being at a friend’s cottage and the adult son nudged his adult sister to draw her attention to the sunset, which seemed really sweet – nice of your husband to clue you in.
    I love everything about Bluey. I just bought some Bluey bookmarks to put in my daughter’s belated Valentine’s Day package.

    1. The kids for sure would eat their bag in one sitting!
      Oh how sweet of adult son! I like to point out beautiful skies to my kids too… and this gives me hope that they will continue to do so for each other!

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