January Challenge Day 2 – Why I love…

On a whim, I signed up for 64millionartists’ January Challenge. Every day they send you a creative prompt. Today’s prompt was:
Think of a place or location that is important to you. Now, finish the sentence “Why I love…” with all of the things that you love about that place. Keep going! You could set a timer for five minutes and see how many things you can note down about your love for this place. You could illustrate, or share photographs of some aspect of the natural or built environment. Capture your memories or the people and culture that make it what it is. 

Colorado – mountains and history. Timeless and historic.

I love Colorado because:
There mountains are beautiful.
The skies are the bluest blue imaginable.
There are no mosquitoes.
It does not get humid in the summer.
Walking to a waterfall and showering in cold mountain runoff.
The $1 cookie place on the 16th street mall in Denver.
Despite everything, I think the company I worked for did some pretty great opera, and I was so proud of many of the productions we did.
The best places to eat were in the Casinos.
You can rent a pontoon with a grill. And we did.
Boulder. Brunch. Bookstores.
The IASTSE crew I work with there are not there just for the pay check – they care. Not just about the show, but about the people who are trying to create the show.
The pottery place that operates on the honor system. An unlocked room full of pottery, priced shockingly inexpensively, and no one overseeing it – just a box to put money in, a ledger to record what you bought, and some newspaper to wrap your purchases.
So many wonderful memories and moments.