Twenty fun facts about me

At my current company, on the first day of rehearsal, we all go around the room and introduce ourselves, and are asked to say our name, position, how long we’ve been with the company, and one “fun fact” about ourselves. (For the record the first few answers: Diane, [Assistant] Stage Manager, since 2003.) The last time we did this, I was struck with a bit of panic over the fun fact, and ended up saying, “I have three kids and a very supportive Husband.” Kids and pets seem to be a popular topic for people’s “fun fact”. But… I don’t love the idea of my fun fact being that I have three kids. While I’m all for visibly parenting in the workplace, but it’s not the first bit of information I like to offer up. Also I struggle with identifying myself as a “mother” – one of those existential questions I have for myself in moments when I have the luxury of existential thinking.

Ironically, when I’m in a non-work environment, my fun fact often is “I’m an opera stage manager.” People seem to be really fascinated by this. However, when I’m at work, it’s not really a usable fun fact.

Anyhow, after that particular first day of rehearsal, I had this text exchange with my Husband.


Well, in an effort that my fun fact not be that I have three kids, I’ve decided to brainstorm a couple more to have on hand:

1. “Diane” is not actually the name on my birth certificate.

2. I broke the County triple jump record in my age group when I was in grade six

3. I eat almost anything except watermelon Jolly Ranchers

4. I can shuck an oyster with a butter knife

5. I have a twenty year old sourdough starter named Seymour.

6. When I was ten, I fell out of a tree and broke my right arm. As I was right handed I thought I would get out of doing school work. My parents just made me learn to write with my left hand.

7. I was one of only three Asian kids in my elementary school. The other two were a boy in my class named Preetam Sengupta and my brother.

8. I met the Husband at a contradance.

9. I still use my red L.L. Bean backpack from college.

10. In high school, there was one of those fundraisers on Valentine’s day where you could take a quiz and a computer would match you up with classmate. (Also what an awkward idea!). I was matched with my brother. He ate my match form.

11. I played varsity badminton in high school.

12. The first romance novel I ever read was called Champagne and Roses, snuck off my parent’s bookshelf. It was about this middle aged mother whose husband leaves her for his secretary so she starts a catering business and ends up with a hot French guy. (okay, this one might not be one I share at work)

13. I have six toenails on each foot.

14. I was born in Nova Scotia. Yes, I’m a Canadian. Except my passport is expired… so am I still?

15. In college, I hosted a classical music radio program at 5am on Wednesday mornings.

16. We were once investigated by Child Welfare Services. (Okay, this might also not be one suitable for work.)

17. I have a very large bass case. No bass, just the case. No I don’t play the bass.

18. I have eaten mongoose on a mountainside restaurant in Taiwan.

19. During the pandemic, I pumped and donated 657 ounces of breastmilk to the King’s Daughter’s Milk Bank.

20. My favorite number is 17 in French. I just like how it sounds.

That was actually quite a struggle. Maybe I have more in me somewhere. Or maybe I need to create more fun facts in my life. I have been wanting to learn how to juggle….

What is your go to fun fact about yourself?