Another pretty life as usual week – people went to work, kids went to school, teeth were lost (!), we went to parks, shot hoops, ran errands, had tv time and movie nights. Last week was my last week without having to work evenings until mid May. This week I start having to cover evening and weekend rehearsals at work and there will probably be a rough patch of re-adjustment of all of our schedules and rhythms. I’ve had my evenings and weekends work-free for the past six weeks and I’ve enjoyed that time. Oh well, I’ll have lots of time off this summer.
Some things this week:
-It’s been a rough week on the “WTF is going on in the White House” front. I mean it’s been a rough two months, let’s be honest, but this week there were actions, words, declarations that were particularly hard for some friends and industries I am close to.
-On the good news side- My new glasses came in. Life looks much more shiny and clear now.

Also – they came in this super cute case:

-The 8 year old’s French concert. Every other year, all the French Immersion classes put on a concert. Every immersion class gets to present one song, even the kindergarteners. This year the concert was held at a high school auditorium. it was kind of a madhouse when we first arrived because it was raining, so everyone squished into the lobby and all the kids were running around wild and excited to see each other. Seating started 15 minutes late and there was for sure at least one kid crying because they couldn’t find their class. When it came time for the 8 year old’s class to sing, there was confusion with the sound operator and the 8 year old’s class just stood onstage while they got it sorted. Predictably the class got restless just standing there, but not our 8 year old. He just stood there quietly without fidgeting, almost as if he were a statue. It was kind of hilarious. Anyhow, in the end they figured things out and the concert was a lot of fun and there was a great sense of community. I know the point of an immersion program is for the kids to speak French, and I’m always so surprised at how clear all their accents are.
– I finally registered the 5 year old for kindergarten. Yay! Checked that off the list. I still have to put her in the language immersion lottery, but at least I’m one step closer to having the full Kindergarten registration check off my list.
The highlight of last week was taking a trip to the theatre with the 13 year old. It was kind of an impulsive decision. I had noticed that the Shakespeare Theatre Center was doing a play called Kunene and the King which was written by a South African actor/playwright and it was set in South Africa. Since the 13 year old and I are going to South Africa later this year, I thought it might be a good play to go see.
I had decided that one of my goals for this year was to go see a play. Like with talking and no singing. I texted a friend who sees a lot of plays about this goal of mine and she said, “Yes! See a talkie!” I think my instinct is always to go see a musical or opera because it’s the world I work in. I haven’t seen a play in yeeears. (not counting the 13 year old’s middle school play, staged last year in the school cafeteria.) Maybe I saw a Shakespeare something pre-pandemic? I can’t remember. But it’s such a different, more intimate medium. And I feel like it is a medium that demands a different kind of attention and would be a bit of a challenge for me because the drama isn’t flashy and singing and always demanding attention.
Anyhow, when I saw this play set in South Africa was being performed and that this was the last weekend, I decided to take the 13 year old. The cool thing is that people under 35 can get a ticket for $35 so her ticket was pretty affordable, a downright steal. We decided to make an evening of it. We took the metro downtown and had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Chinatown, Chinatown Express. They have very delicious hand pulled noodles. We ordered dumpling, soup dumpling and roast duck noodle soup. Truthfully, the soup dumplings weren’t at all soupy, so that was disappointing, but everything else was really tasty.

Afterwards, we had about an hour before our show, so we got some boba tea – oolong sweetened with honey with lychee jelly and boba for me, regular boba milk tea for the 13 year old. No mommy-daughter date is complete without boba. We got our teas and walked around the area. We found a square with tables and swings and a magnolia tree in full bloom, so we sat there for a fifteen minutes and swung and finished our boba before heading to the theatre.

I really enjoyed Kunene and the King. The play tells the story of a white actor who is preparing the role of King Lear in the wake of finding out that he has cancer, and Lunga Kunene, the Black nurse who is sent to look after him. The two men slowly form a friendship despite being on opposite sides of Apartheid. Funny and touching and surprising, and with Shakespeare woven throughout. The Shakespeare was especially lovely since I had just finished Judi Dench and Brendan O’Hea’s book about Shakespeare. And at the end… well.
There is something very humbling about watching a play, and thinking about how great the performances are, and being taken by the craft of the play, the scene shifts, and the costume changes, and the music and all that and then realizing that your 13 year old, sitting next to you, has her head on your shoulder and is starting to sobs because she has been so absorbed in the humanity and story unfolding onstage. Oh, it was such a good reminder to watch plays with open hearts and let ourselves be touched by the stories that people tell, onstage and otherwise, to recognize that even though the people onstage don’t look like us, don’t live where we live, don’t have the same history as us – that they still feel the same emotions as us, still have struggles like we do, are still humans like us. I think when art is criticized for being “woke” or for pushing ideologies… well, it kind of misses the point. We create to connect, not to divide. I am so frustrated that certain people in the administration don’t understand that fundamental aspect of what artists do.
Afterwards we hung out in the lobby (where I ran into a singer friend – how fun it is to serendipitously run into people you know at the theatre!), and the 13 year old got her program signed by the cast. I was in awe of John Kani, the man who wrote and starred in the play. He was such a trailblazer for theatre in South Africa – he collaborated with White playwright Athol Fugard (who just passed away) at a time when that kind of collaboration was something you could get arrested for doing. He created anti-Apartheid theatre works and was beaten and arrested for doing so. He was the first Black man to play Othello in South Africa, which was considered quite controversial since he had to play opposite a white woman. And despite all that, what the 13 year old was most excited about was that Kani played the King in the Black Panther movies. I mean admittedly that’s pretty cool too. He was very nice and signed the 13 year old’s program and when I told him we were going to South Africa this summer, he said that it’s a beautiful country now, even though it hadn’t been for many many years.
Grateful For:
-Finding the Eagle Shirt. The 8 year old has a favorite shirt – he calls it his Robot Eagle shirt. He would wear this shirt every day if he could. I found the shirt at a consignment sale when he was four and then I bought a bigger size off Poshmark for him when he outgrew the first one. Well, the shirt had gone missing for a couple of months now. But last week, I was going through some bags in the sunroom and I found his Robot Eagle shirt in a tote bag. Yay! He was so happy to be reunited with it.
-Our mechanic for getting our car back to us so quickly.
-The lawyers who are persisting. I have a good friend who works for U.S. Institute of Peace and from reading the papers, it’s take over by DOGE was a wild ride. I’m thankful there are lawyers trying to change/slow the churning machinery. I’m not hopeful that it will do anything, quickly, but in these times many are certainly carrying on with courage.
-Dishwasher. Washing up after dinner always seems so tedious. But then I remind myself I just have to load the dishwasher and wash the pots and pans and it all of a sudden seems more manageable. When I was growing up, we never used the dishwasher. We didn’t have one until we moved to California in 1992 when I was 13. And when we moved into a house with a dishwasher, my parents used it to store extra dishes, not to wash them. All to say, I did not understand the use of dishwashers until many years later when I had a kid. They are amazing! I was thinking of how lovely it is to have a dishwasher this week when I looked at the pile of dishes after dinner. I set a timer for 15 minutes and when it went off, that pile of dishes was in the dishwasher and I had washed the pots and pans.
-Bookstores. There is a new independent bookstore next the the 8 year old’s sewing class. I’m not a huge book buyer – I prefer to borrow from the library so that I can then return books to the library and not have them in my house forever. Having said that, I think I might buy a book occasionally from this bookstore because I do feel like bookstores can be such a wonderful part of our landscape.
-My friend who walked into my office with a bag of dill pickle chips, saying “I have a problem. I can’t walk by a bag of dill pickle chips without buying them for you.”
-NCAA Basketball brackets. It is indeed the madness of March in our household. The Husband declared that we are not allowed to watch scripted television until the end of college basketball season. (Exceptions given for Brooklyn 99.) The 13 year old has a bracket as part of an extra credit gym assignment. She and the Husband spent an evening poring over the choices and creating her bracket. In the midst of so much teen angst, it was so wonderful to see them bonding over something. (Oh my goodness, the Maryland Colorado State game – triumph and heartbreak back and forth for the last 30 seconds. I’m so conflicted because of course everyone here was so excited that Maryland won, but Colorado State really showed up too. I hate it when teams lose and everyone’s sad. Wait, I guess that’s almost every game. Two sides to every coin and all th.)
-Rec center fitness rooms. My tax dollars are work in such a great way. I finally made it the fitness rooms at our rec center. Rec Center Fitness passes have been free to county residents for the past two years, but I’ve always been too intimidated to go because I’m not a gym person. But there is a fitness room in the rec center where the 5 year old is taking swim lessons, so I’ve been popping up to do 15 minutes of strength training while she is swimming. So grateful to have this available.
-A cold fizzy Coke and a slice of cheese pizza. Sometimes it’s the perfect combination.
-That people still make plays. Even when they are 81 years old and have been beaten just for being Black, and have been in Marvel movies, they still believe in the medium of theatre.
Looking Forward To:
-Peak bloom! Peak Bloom! I know I said this last week, but it’s sooooo close! We’re in stage 5 of 6 right now. The Magnolias are blooming already, and there are some pear and apple blossoms to be seen. I hope peak bloom is this coming week because I have the flexibility to go down on a weekday for a bloomy wander.

-Having the summer figured out. This isn’t a “yay, fun!” looking forward to kind of thing, but rather a “Oh thank goodness we’re done!” kind of looking forward to thing. We’re so close to having summer plotted out. The 13 year old is signed up for all her camps and activities. I need to register the 8 year old for his camps. The 5 year old will continue at her pre-school until mid-July, I think. We have tentative dates for when we will take trips too, though nothing is quite set.
-Being one step closer to window treatments in the living room. You may or may not recall that we’ve been living without proper window treatments in the living room for two years, and it’s a perpetual To Do item on my list. Right now we have a combination of mismatched sheers and too short black curtain panels that I just happened to have lying around, but which don’t go all the way across the windows. Well, we’ve finally booked an appointment for the window treatment guy to come to our house. What I know that I want: Top down/bottom up . Cordless. Light filtering. What I might want: bamboo shades. But this might be tricky because our foyer, which leads into the living room has wood paneling and I worry about the shades clashing with the foyer. Oh well, this window treatment guy is highly recommended, so hopefully he can help steer us in the right direction.
-Started watching this show with the 13 year old and looking forward to watching more. I’m late to the game, I know:

-Listening to this book:

I’m not a big horror fan – I don’t like being tense all the time – but Bahni Turpin is one of my favorite audiobook narrators and for some reason I’m finding horror more entertaining than grisly in the audiobook format. This book has even made me laugh out loud a few times.
What We Ate:
Monday – Lamb Stew and Irish Soda Bread for St. Patrick’s Day. Other than making sure the kids are wearing green, we don’t do much for St. Patrick’s Day, but I do try to make an appropriate meal. This was all really tasty. The Irish Soda Bread is from our cookbook “The Irish Pantry” it’s a little more dense and not sweet like what often passes for Irish soda bread, and it’s made in a cast iron skillet, so it’s very simple to throw together. The effort to taste ration is very high.
Tuesday: Shrimp Tacos. This meal took less than twenty minutes to get on the table. Tacos may seem like a lot of work, but this is actually one of the fastest meals I make. The first fifteen minutes are: season the shrimp, put taco shells in oven, make pico, chop cabbage and squeeze lime over it, heat black beans (first toast cumin, oregano, and smoked paprika in a pot then add two cans of black beans. Heat through then mash with a potato masher.). Last five minutes – cook shrimp, and while shrimp cooks, slice an avocado, open the sour cream, and put everything on table.
Wednesday: Joy’s Creamy Green Pasta – a recipe from Meera Sodha’s vegan column in the Guardian. This was really good – everyone ate it- kind of like pesto, but creamy and more filling. The sauce is made of blanched spinach, silken tofu, nutritional yeast, miso, basil, parsley, lemon, olive oil. Served on rigatoni, which is a pasta new to me. I really loved how the sauce got into the rigatoni tubes. It was topped with an lemon olive mixture that made the whole things just taste so sunny. Vegan.
Thursday: Mac and cheese (from the blue box) and green beans. Quick dinner before the 8 year old’s concert.
Friday: Pizza and the Secret Lives of Pets. We’ve seen Secret Lives of Pets before and it is a much smarter movie than it sounds.
Saturday: Chinatown Express (for me and the 13 year old before going to the theatre) / Dumplings and green beans (at home for the Husband and the two younger kids.)
Sunday: Leftovers and snack dinner for simple Sunday dinner. I made the two little kids plates of cheese, crackers, pepperoni, cucumbers and apple slices. One of them said, “It’s like we’re having lunch for dinner!” I made myself flautas from the leftover beans from Taco Tuesday.
Hope this week features some sunshine for you!
Have you ever seen a “talkie” play? Any signs of Spring where you are? Did you make a March Madness bracket?