Cozy Things

The weather has been very erratic here these past few weeks. One day it will be high 70s, then next day it will be in the 40s. There was one week, when I was sure that the cool weather was here to stay – it was rainy and chill and everything seemed like it was going to take a lot of effort. And so my mind turned towards things that I like to be cozy and warm. Of course the next week, the weather was back up in the 70s and sunny sunny sunny. But some of the cozy things had already been implemented. Being cozy gives me such joy, that I thought I’d share my list of cozy things….

Cozy in the Car.

Car Blankets – My car is quite old and it takes a while for the heat to kick in, so I keep blankets in the car for the kids. They buckle up, then I tuck the blankets around them up to their chins and it keeps them cozy til the heat starts up.

A Cup of Tea – Tea in a mug to warm my hands and tea in my travel cup so that it is still warm three hours later when I finally sit down and have a sip. I don’t drink coffee, but I do drink a lot of tea, particularly when the weather gets cool. My tea of choice is the strong black stuff – Irish Breakfast, Oolong, or Lapsang Souchong. In the evenings when I wans something a little more gentle, I like Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile.

Cozy Breakfast.

Oatmeal – my go to cold weather breakfast. I like it savory with soy sauce, sesame oil and a little bit of ume plum vinegar, topped with scallions, ginger and a soy egg, kind of like congee. I also like it sweet with berries, nuts, maple syrup and cinnamon.

Cozy sleep

Flannel Sheets – As much as I love the feeling of cool cotton in the summer, I love the warmth of slipping between flannel sheets in the winter. Unfortunately the Husband sleeps hot, so we don’t always put them on the bed.

Leggings and Booties – I don’t know if leggings and booties actually keep me warmer than just pants and wool socks, but I sure feel cozy wearing them. Maybe it’s a sartorial placebo effect.

A very aspirational stack.

A Stack of Books – Nothing says cozy to me like curling up on a couch, a throw blanket on my lap with a nice book to absorb me. I’ve decided this winter I’m going to read some nice thick tomes. I’ve started The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish, and it’s pretty good so far.

Cozy sweater

Sweaters and Robes – A few Christmases ago, the Husband and the ten year old got me a long hooded cardigan from Eddie Bauer. It is a blend of cotton/acrylic/polyester/wool and oh so warm and big enough to swallow me up. When I am cold, I put it on, pull the sleeves over my hands, and put the hood up and shiver. It’s like having a warm hug.

Cozy feet.

Slippers – Okay, I actually wear my wool slippers all year round, but cooler weather makes them imperative. I bought myself a pair of Glerups boiled woos slippers when the baby was born three years ago, and I had to replace them this year because I had worn holes in them. This time I’m going for the rubber soles so that I can periodically wear them outside if I need to run something to the recycling bin.

Wool Socks – along the lines of slippers… wool socks are a must this time of year. I splurged on some Bombas last year and they are everything I want in a sock. I used to share socks with the ten year old, but everyone now knows that the Bombas are only for mom.

Baking – Haven’t done much of that yet so far, but I did get a Bundt pan this year and I’m looking forward to making things in it. Tasty things that I can nibble on while I drink tea and read a book while under a blanket.

Any cozy things in your life lately?

5 thoughts on “Cozy Things”

  1. I am all about cozy this time of year because 1) I run cold and 2) It runs cold where I live…
    I love the car blankets; we do this too in the winter!
    My favourite cozy things:
    1) soft, fluffy blankets
    2) long, hot showers
    3) reusable, microwavable heating sacks
    4) twinkle lights; I love the glow of mini lights and we leave a small string up year-round on our fireplace mantle
    5) the propane insert; I forget to turn this on most of the time, but it really does make our living room so cozy
    6) lamps; again – this doesn’t literally warm up a room, but it makes it feel cozy and inviting and makes me more likely to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and turn on the fireplace!

    Such a feel-good post, Diane. Love it <3

    1. Twinkle lights and lamps! When i asked the Husband what he considered cozy, he said “Candles.” Which are kind of up there with cut flowers for me – high maintenance and not worth the trouble. But then afterwards, I realized that he wasn’t totally off base, because dim lighting, or area lighting is indeed cozy to me – the small pockets of light glowing in a dark room, inviting me to sit where there is light and stay out of the dark places… that’s cozy indeed!

  2. All the cozy things right now!
    1) My heated vest is now in the regular rotation.
    2) The cat is cuddlier now that it’s cold and there’s nothing cozier than a kitty on your lap while reading a book on the couch.
    3) Endless mugs of hot tea.

    1. Oh! A Cat is indeed cozy. I was visiting a friend last night and we sat outside and I held her Yorkie on my lap the whole time and it was like having a little heating pad.
      I have heard amazing things about a heated vest!

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