Low Key Weekend – why am I still tired?

The second pie is in the oven, so what am I to do while I wait, but send some hodge podge thoughts out into the world.

Also – I just checked the pie and 1) The edge of the crust is doing some kind of sad droopy thing – I had too much overhang and rather than trim it off, I thought I’d just leave it because really the crust is the best part, so why not have more. I had fluted the excess edge, but I think there was too much excess and it has kind of drooped like Dali’s clocks. It does not look good. But it will be tasty. and 2) I tried to peek to see if the rest of the crust was baking since soggy crust has been an issue of mine lately. And I thought, “That’s strange… why is the crust still so pale? It’s very white for having been in the oven for twenty minutes” And I panicked a little bit. But then I remembered that I didn’t use the clear Pyrex pie plate, but the white pie plate and all that white I was seeing was just the pie plate. So who knows if the pie crust is baking in there. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow/ today.

Anyhow, it’s been a really packed week so far. The two older kids have had very minimal school this week. Monday and Tuesday half days and today (Wednesday) completely off. Then of course tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Friday is off.

I think we all realize that the holidays are coming and we try to pack so much into the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we kept things low key last weekend. There was house puttering on Saturday, then dinner out with friends. We went to the same brewery that I had gone to earlier that week with my Mom’s Group. I don’t drink, but the brewery has firepits, so that was a plus. There were only two other groups sitting outside, which made me feel less awful about our combined six kids running around the patio.

Sunday the three year old had two birthday parties to go to, both of them outdoors in 40 degree weather. One party had chicken fingers, French fries, and mac and cheese, which I thought was brilliant for a toddler party. It was probably on the cold side to be having an outdoor party, but I figured at least it would be an opportunity to to check more boxes off my 1000 Hours Outside goal. Two birthday parties in one day might not seem low key, but they were both park parties nearby, so they were pretty easy to get to.

Then there is the issue of sleep. Or rather being tired. I’ve been feeling pretty tired lately even though I’ve been getting 6-7 hours of sleep a night. Thoughts on this:

– Maybe I’m still catching up from daylights savings having ended? And the shorter spans of sunlight certainly don’t help my lethargy.

– It’s not because I’m staying up til 2am or 3am like I tend to when I’m working. I’ve actually been really good about mindfully going to bed, as opposed to falling asleep on the couch and stumbling to my room at 3am. So yay me.

-It is partly because the three year old is not proving to be a great sleeper. I mean she sleeps like a rock for three hours at a time – you can roll her over without waking her when she is asleep. But inevitably at some point between 1am and 3am, she gets out of bed and comes to our room and climbs into our bed. Then it’s an internal battle of whether I should take her back to her own bed and spend another half an hour getting her to sleep, or if I should just give up and let her sleep in my bed. Usually the latter wins out. But she also will be up sometime around 5am yelling for breakfast. Or Milk. Full confession, the three year old still nurses to sleep. Which I have mixed feelings about, but also some degree of apathy because it seems like my feelings on the matter do not even compare to her feelings.

-Also, related to the not going to bed late … part of going to bed early is that I get up earlier. And when I’m awake earlier, I then get tired earlier and then fall asleep earlier. It’s kind of a viscous cycle. I do like the idea of being a morning person, but I can’t really be a morning lark and a night owl.

– There is a possibility that I’m coming down with something. I did have a cold sore this week that was so painful I woke up a few times. I get cold sores maybe once or twice a year – usually a combination of hormones, weather, and stress makes them appear. But they’ve always been mild. This time was pretty painful. And there’s general nasal congestion and everyone else is getting sick – we seem to be in a perpetual state of snot and cough. Makes these next five days with no school or work seem like an ideal time to attempt to keep ourselves germ free.

Two months ago I wrote about my attempts to get more sleep, which is admittedly not the same issue exactly as just feeling run down and tired. But revisiting those ideas – Some of the goals I’ve managed to do – I now brush my teeth and get into pjs when the kids do. I got a lamp for next to my bed so I’m reading more hard copy books before bed, though the occasional e-book does make it too. So now it is much easier to stumble straight into bed at 9pm after the baby falls asleep.

I have not established any kind of bedtime routine – mostly because of having to lie down with the baby until she falls asleep. So my ideal evening wind down of 20 mins yoga, 20 mins journaling and 20 mins reading hasn’t come to fruition. I have been doing 10-15 minutes of yoga in the morning, so at least I’m stretching that way. Maybe I should concentrate on 20 mins journaling and 20 mins reading in the evening.

Welp the pie is done (I hope) and I can hear the baby crying. So off to tend to that.

8 thoughts on “Low Key Weekend – why am I still tired?”

  1. I think it would take at least a month of long sleeps, uninterrupted days and nobody to take care of aside from myself for me to NOT feel tired.
    I had to take a short course of steroids last month and the doctor warned it might make me feel “restless” or “not myself.” I did NOT feel like myself, instead I felt AWESOME. And I thought, is this the way other people feel all the time? Like I actually had energy all day long. But I don’t think I know any mothers that have energy all day long?
    You also have a lot on your plate: between cycling into/out of new shows and the hectic schedule that provides, to being up – even briefly – each night with a toddler, and all the home/work/personal care stuff that has to happen to keep things moving smoothly! It’s all worth it, but definitely exhausting.

    1. That’s funny about the steroids. I think sometimes everyone is tired – life is exhausting. Or maybe high energy people are better at managing their energy? Like kids who can go go go and then just crash. I feel like adults don’t have the option to just crash.

  2. If it helps, my best friend has a 3-year-old and my friend finally gave up on her kid going back to her bed at night. So now, the 3-year-old has a pile of blankets and pillows next to their bed and she sleeps there when she gets up at night. You gotta do what you gotta do!

    I feel like I am always tired and I don’t have any kids. So I can only IMAGINE how much more tired parents feel.

    1. Aw thanks. I once had a colleague without kids remark to me, “I’m tired. I know you’re tired too, but you have kids so you can expect to be tired.” I thought that was a little obnoxious and had to try really hard not to slap him.

  3. Ah, well I’m interested to hear how your pie came out! I also had issues with the crusts on mine- they looked amazing before I baked them, but during baking they crusts kind of shrunk and came out looking horrible- but they tasted good (I’m still kind of mad at how they looked though.)
    I hope you’re not getting sick. It’s tiring taking care of a three-year-old. And just so you know- I nursed both my kids till they were three. And they both slept in bed with me (not at the same time.) It was the easiest way for me to get as much sleep as possible, and I also just loved it. Now they’re older and so independent, and I miss those days.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I’m glad to know that you nursed your kids long term too! Sometimes I feel so weird about it because breastfeeding is such a personal and fraught issue and I feel lucky that I was able to even do it. You’re right, though, – it’s the easiest way to get sleep.
      The pie tasted good! It was hard to slice cleanly because the crust had wrapped itself around the rim of the pie plate, but at least it was tasty!

  4. I read this post yesterday on my phone, and it was actually what inspired the 5:00 a.m. item on my gratitude challenge: “that I haven’t had to wake to a baby crying or a toddler calling my name in years!” UGH I do not miss those days! There are sweet things about it all, for sure, but overall, gosh I’m glad my boys just GO TO BED, STAY IN BED, and do not wake me up anymore.

    Hope the pie turned out delicious!

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