Weekly recap + what we ate: tech week snacks and a new month

I’m half way through tech week – it’s the light at the end of the tunnel part of getting a show onstage. It’s been rough, sometimes frustratingly and despairingly so, and I’ve really questioned my ability to do my job. But things always magically happen- well, not magically, actually, It takes a lot of wonderfully talented and thoughtful people. So we are getting there, I’m learning a lot about how to stand up for what I think is needed. I’m really looking forward to going to sleep before midnight again.

It’s a new month and I took a moment to write a few February highlights and and lowlights and some plans and aspirations for the next 31 days. A lot of these things have been pushed off til the next few weeks when my schedule is lighter and I’m not at the theatre for 12 hours a day.

February Lowlights:
Work drama and stresses
Colleagues moving on to other jobs. I mean I’m happy for them, but I will miss their presence and wisdom.
Repairs at one of the rental properties we manage. Nothing we can’t handle, but irksome to have to deal with it.

February Highlights:
The 6 year old’s Chuck E. Cheese party.
Having friends over for the Superbowl.
Booking some work for the summer.
Going to see Into The Woods.
The lovely and charming vocal recital that I ran the titles for.

March Aspirations:
For Me:
– Learn 12 new Chinese characters. I’ve been slowly trying to learn to read in Chinese. I don’t know how practical this is because I feel like written Mandarin is very different from spoken Mandarin. But I’m trying to learn 100 characters by the end of the year. Which, I know, is not a huge amount, but baby steps.
-Continue to find time to write here on this blog.
– Run 3x a week, and incorporate 10 minutes of yoga or strength work a day.
– Happy Hour with my Moms’ Group. This is scheduled. Yay.
– Find a pair of casual shoes for our Spring Break Trip. I have new running shoes so I now wear my old trail runners as my every day shoe (which also helps me get a run in at work because I can still run in them so if I don’t remember my running shoes it’s not a big deal). But I would like a pair of casual yet cut shoes for city walking. I had a pair of Olukai slip on shoes, but they have a hole in them now, and I don’t like the current colour selection. Suggestions welcome for colourful, comfortable and durable shoes!
-Reach out to friends for some lunch dates once my show is open.

– TAXES. This is the big one. Maybe I should just make it the one thing on my list…
– Clean out the guest room that has become baby clothes storage.
– Order more shade samples for the living room.
– Turn over the kids clothes for Spring. There is a big consignment sale at a local preschool so before I check that out, I want to go through the kids clothes so I know what I need to buy for the kids to get them through the summer.
– Help with Laundry more.

– Sleepover for the 11 year old’s basketball team. 11 girls. pizza, movie, soda, cookies, waffles, tater tots. I think only half are sleeping over, though.
– Plan Spring Break. It’s coming up soon!
– Date night or Date Lunch with Husband.
– Figure out summer childcare/camps. Late to the game, I know, but I just recently booked summer work. I hadn’t been planning on needing any summer child care, then boom. This is one of the fall outs of my colleagues leaving the business – people were suddenly looking for stage managers.
-Work on family routines for cleaning and organizing that the kids will buy into. Or maybe the solution is constant nagging for the next 18 years?

-Survive tech.
-then clean out my inbox and do my IT training.

– Hike the Billy Goat Trail. I hiked it last fall and I’d love to do it again in the Spring.
– Cherry Blossoms. I just read that peak bloom has been moved up to March 18th, which seems ridiculously early. But this coincides with a lighter time at work, so I’ll make plans to go down during the week when it’s not so crowded.
– Family adventure. Not sure what this would be. Maybe another hike. Maybe a little half day trip? I’ll have to ponder. It’s tricky because weekends are often booked with my work or skating lessons for the kids, so our adventure would have to be pretty local.

Some Fun Things This Week:
– I went to Costco! Twice, actually. One time for regular family restocking, and then the day we moved into the theatre, I stopped on the way to work to pick up some fun snacks for the office. Through my colleague, I have discovered Whisps! They are baked cheese crackers. Like you know when you make a grilled cheese sandwich and some of the cheese leaks out onto the griddle and gets all bubbly and toasty and crunchy? Whisps is like a whole bag of those. They are delicious. But also, sometimes they taste like the way string cheese smells when you find it hardened under the car seat. I’ll leave it to you to decide if that’s your thing, but I certainly could eat a bag by myself.

Also tried these bubble tea mochis. I like them, but probably not enough to buy them again. I’d rather just have bubble tea.

And and and… my a Costco discovery in the freezer section that made me super excited:

So when I was growing up my grandmother would visit from Taiwan and bring me White Rabbit Candy. It’s kind of a taffy like vanilla candy wrapped in edible rice paper. Seeing a popsicle version – at Costco of all places – brought back so many memories that I just had to try them. They taste just like the candy, expect maybe a little creamier and they don’t get stuck in your teeth the same way. I find it interesting the random Asian treats that I find at our Costco.

– I had a long walk and lunch with my friend. We walked to the cafe and had brunch – I had quiche. And she had a latte and I had a ginger turmeric chai, we both had pastries. Mine was a blueberry rhubarb Amann and it was delicious. And we sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine and brisk, but not too brisk, weather.

– Clementines. I love clementine season. The little oranges are the perfectly portable sweet snack. I also love that the kids can peel them by themselves. We go through a bag in two days so we buy a lot when they are in season. (When they are not in season, I find them very uninspiring.) One of my favorite things to do with them is to peel them and then leave them out so that the membranes get a little dry and crispy. When you bit into the slices you get a delicate crunch of dried shell, then the burst of sweet juicy fruit. It’s a small pleasure, probably made more so by having peeled them and then having to wait for the outsides to dry.

peeled and waiting for the membranes to dry. It’s actually tricky to get to the right degree to dry membrane because someone inevitably comes by and eats them…

-Signs of Spring. Seems too soon, but things are blooming and I’m enjoying the new bits of colour in the landscape.

– Not fun, per se, but watching the 11 year old’s basketball game. They played a team of 6th graders and lost by one point. Losing on free throws is always hard and made me a little angry. But … I’ve been really enjoying being able to go to her games and cheer her on. I never thought I’d be a good sports parent – cheering and clapping always makes me feel self conscious, but these basketball games really brought out the cheerleading parent in me, I guess. There is something really fun about sitting in the stands with other parents and watching a nailbiter of a game.

Mystery of the week: Where did the waffle batter go? The Husband made a double batch of waffle batter one night for dinner, and saved half of it to make for dinner this past week. Well, we can’t find it. It’s not in either of our fridges. It’s not in the pantry. It’s not in any of the cupboards. I am kind of dreading the day when we find a six month old container of waffle batter in an utterly random corner of the house.

Grateful for this week:
– As with every tech week – first prize gold star goes to the Husband for holding down the fort every evening. He makes dinner, he scrapes the ice off my car in the morning, he cleans the kitchen at night. He goes to pick up the kids when they have an accident at school. He’s been awesome.
– My favorite pencils – Pentel Twist-erase mechanical pencils. The best features: a) 0.9 lead, nice and thick and won’t break when I’m writing quickly, and b) the barrel is red so I don’t lose them, c) the eraser which is thick enough so that it doesn’t shred the page when I rub too hard. I bought these pencils in a 12 pack last year because I didn’t ever want to be without.
– 2020 me for keeping such a neat prompt book. I literally took my score from this show in 2020 and copied all the tech cues into my 2023 score. There were still a lot of things that we discovered when we got onstage because… well we only had two tech rehearsals in 2020 before we were all sent home. So certain cues we never even had to a chance to realize that we would need them. But even so, it’s been great to be able to have all the cues in my book before we started onstage so I’m not putting in additional hours writing them in when I’m already at the theatre till 11pm at night.

Looking forward to:
– Opening night. This is the show I was working on when the pandemic shut everything down. It’s been a little surreal to be working on it again.
– Pizza party/movie night/sleepover for the 11 year old’s basketball team. (Apparently according to my niece this is actually a slumber party, not a sleepover…) We’re going to have the players make their own pizza and then the Husband says he’s just going to throw them in the basement and hand over the remote. I think about 11 preteens will be descending on us, though only half are actually staying the night. Waffles in the morning.
– working on my taxes. This is not a “looking forward to” because I find doing my taxes fun, but rather “looking forward to” in that I need to get it off my plate and I know I’m going to feel a lot better when it’s done. We actually have a person do our taxes, so I just need to find the information for our spreadsheet of deductible expenses and gather the tax documents.

What We Ate: another week of barely planned dinners:

Saturday: pizza (take out) and Good Night, Oppy. Such a good movie! This is a documentary about the Mars rovers Perseverance and Opportunity. They were originally anticipated to last 90 days on Mars, but Opportunity lasted fifteen years. There was something really human about this little rover wandering the planet, capturing pictures, and the scientists and engineers behind it.

Sunday: Dinner at our friend’s house before the Husband and the 11 year old went to the theatre with them. Our friends make ribs and hot dogs and salad and curly fries.

Monday: Defrosted some carrot parsnip soup – the husband fed the kids that with leftover pizza from the weekend. I was working, so I’m sure I packed something out of the fridge.

Tuesday: Perch and bagged salad. I was a Costco and it being Lent and we want to eat more fish, I bought a giant package of Perch.

Wednesday: eggs, fruit, cut up veggies. This was the night of the waffle batter mystery.

Thursday: Coconut Soup from Family by Hetty McKinnon.

Friday: I was working through most of my dinner break, and managed only to shove half a sandwich and a soy egg in my mouth before rehearsal. I’m not sure what the rest of the family had for dinner. I think they had take-out sushi.

10 thoughts on “Weekly recap + what we ate: tech week snacks and a new month”

  1. I still have never had Bubble Tea. There is a shop that sells it where I live; I really should do this!

    The waffle mix had me both laughing and cringing because I have BEEN there. I hope you find it ASAP. If not, it would likely make great wallpaper paste within a few weeks? Haha.

    Ugh. Taxes. I wasn’t proactive with getting something adjusted with payroll which means taxes weren’t deducted properly and I owe…a lot of money. It’s not awful because it means I had that money to use/invest during the year, but I also knew this would happen (it happens every year – and has for years and years). Why didn’t I send the e-mail to get this adjusted? Anyway, getting that info from our accountant wasn’t exactly a highlight of my week.

    1. I love bubble tea! I tried making it myself when the pandemic started and there was a bubble shortage, but it’s never as good as what you get in the stores…plus those big thick straws are important to my bubble tea enjoyment!
      The waffle mix mystery is still unsolved. I think we will discover it when we least expect!

  2. I am very invested in the waffle mix mystery. Please update us. Did one of the kids eat it raw? Is that a possibility? And try to hide it? (Kids are weird. It seems like something I would have done.)

    Thank goodness for clementines this time of year. I usually eat fruit with my breakfast and the options right now are quite limited and if clementines weren’t around, I’d don’t know what I’d be eating!

  3. What an interesting and busy life you lead! I loved reading this. I hope your show goes off without a hitch.
    My younger son LOVES mochi, and I just bought him some mochi ice in strawberry flavour, which was a huge hit. He loves any and everything Japanese, and is trying to learn the language. It’s so complicated!

    1. Thanks! We had a good opening … a few minor things, but the kind of thing that the audience probably wouldn’t notice.
      Mochi is delicious! I love it too! good for your son for learning a language with a different alphabet – I find that is always so hard!

  4. Oh the Whisps look amazing! They wouldn’t last long here – we all have a love of crunchy cheese. Here’s to a smooth open for your show and that your list of to-dos is easy to check off. That summer childcare is no joke! The planning skills needed for the right amount of time balanced with interest in the activity and friends is a job unto itself!

    1. I haven’t even dared let my kids near the Whisps yet because I fear they will demolish the Costco sized bag in minutes like the piranhas they are.
      I am having so much anxiety about summer camp! I just need to do it. This is definitely one of those things where I wish there were fewer options so I wouldn’t have to weigh so many factors….

  5. Eek! Good luck with the sleepover- things like that always stress me out. But I’m sure it will actually be really fun (for the girls, especially.) I was all set to become a sports mom… until my kids were born with no interest in sports whatsoever. That’s okay- I’m fine being a band mom. I do get a little envious reading about kids’ basketball games though.
    Good luck with opening night! And like everyone else, I’ll be eagerly awaiting an update to the waffle batter mystery.

    1. Still no resolution to the waffle batter mystery!
      I think my Husband is more a sports parent than I am- he is from the midwest and *very* invested in the eleven year old’s basketball. I like watching but ooohhh i always hate when one team loses.

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